
على الصعيد العالمي

تقدم دياڤيرم رعاية كلوية لحياة أفضل للمصابين بمرض الكلى المزمن (CKD) مما تمكنهم لعيش حياة كريمة يستحقونها. تعد الشركة الأكبر على مستوى أوروبا والشرق الأوسط في تقديم خدمات الرعاية لمرضى الكلى المزمن.

بالإضافة إلى تركيزنا على تقديم خدمات التنقية الدموية (غسيل الكلى الدموي)، نقدم خدمات التنقية الصفاقية (غسيل الكلى البريتوني) ورعاية التنقية المنزلية وعمليات زراعة الكلى كخيارات أخرى للعلاج التعويضي لمرضى الفشل الكلوي. نموذج رعايتنا يتضمن أيضاً تقديم خدمات الرعاية الوقائية وتنسيق رعاية الأمراض المزمنة المصاحبة لمرض الكلى المزمن. يتميز نموذج الرعاية في دياڤيرم بأنه موحد ومدعوم ببنية تحتية رقمية مُحدّثة ومتطورة باستمرار.

تم تأسيس شركة دياڤيرم في سنة 1991 في مملكة السويد وتم افتتاح أول عيادة تحت مسمى جامبرو هيلث كير. نشغل اليوم أكثر من 400 عيادة منتشرة في أكثر من 20 دولة حول العالم لتقديم الرعاية لأكثر من 39,500 مريض.

على صعيد المملكة العربية السعودية

نقدم خدمات متكاملة لرعاية الكلى في كل أنحاء المملكة، حيث تعمل الطواقم الطبية المتخصصة المكونة من أطباء وطواقم التمريض وأخصائيي التغذية السريرية والصيادلة والأخصائيين الاجتماعيين الطبيين بتوفير كافة خدمات رعاية الكلى التي تناسب احتياجات كل مريض على حدة وتصب في صالح راحته. من ناحية أخرى، يتشارك الطاقم الطبي والمريض في عملية صنع القرار المتعلق بإدارة الرعاية.

منذ عام 2011، لا تألوا مراكزنا جهداً في بناء مجتمع ينعم بالصحة الكلوية في كل أرجاء المملكة. حالياً تمتد خدماتنا إلى أكثر من 4,300 مريض على أرض المملكة. وبفضل تلك الجهود الرامية إلى بناء مجتمع صحي؛ وقعت وزارة الصحة السعودية أول عقد مع شركة دياڤيرم عام 2013 لمدة خمس سنوات بهدف تقديم علاج ورعاية فائقة الجودة للمرضى وتم تجديد العقد لمدة خمس سنوات أخرى في عام 2019.

فضلاً عن ذلك امتدت جسور الثقة بين دياڤيرم والمؤسسات الحكومية الأخرى والقطاع الخاص في المملكة، ويتم تقديم الرعاية للمرضى من العديد من المؤسسات الحكومية والذين يتكفلون بنفقات علاجهم على حسابهم الخاص أو من يغطي التأمين الصحي علاجهم وذلك في إشارة لثقتهم في خدمات الرعاية الكلوية لدينا.

نبذة عن دياڤيرم في المملكة العربية السعودية


مركز غسيل كلوي


مدينة في كل أرجاء المملكة


موظف وموظفة



برنامج السعودة (التوطين) والخبرة الدولية

تواصل دياڤيرم التزامها ببرنامج "السعودة" الذي يتمثل في بناء كوادر وخبرات من المواطنين السعوديين داخل قطاعات العمل المختلفة بالإضافة لقطاع الرعاية الصحية. تبلغ نسبة المواطنين السعوديين العاملين في مراكز دياڤيرم داخل المملكة أكثر من 30٪ من مجموع الموظفين الحاليين، ونظراً لقناعتنا الراسخة بمبادئ التنوع كجزء لا يتجزأ من ثقافة العمل، تنحدر النسبة الباقية من دول الشرق الأوسط وآسيا وأفريقيا وأوروبا. تحرص دياڤيرم دوماً على التواصل مع الكفاءات الدولية من ذوي الخبرات ممن يهتمون بالانضمام إلى فريقنا ونوفر لهم مناخ من الإبداع والتطور على المستويين الشخصي والمهني.

التدريب والتطوير

التعليم والتطوير هما حجرا الزاوية في ثقافتنا وبيئة العمل لدينا، ولضمان أعلى المعايير في جودة قطاع الرعاية الصحية في دياڤيرم، نسهل لكافة الموظفين ونمكنهم من الاستفادة من برامج المعرفة الواسعة لدينا. من هذا المنطلق، تقوم دياڤيرم من خلال أكاديميتنا المعروفة بـ "دي أكاديمي" أو d.ACADEMY بتنظيم برامج متخصصة في التعليم والتدريب المهني، تهدف البرامج إلى تمكين كافة الموظفين عن طريق دعمهم وتنمية مهارتهم وصقل خبراتهم على المستويين الطبي والشخصي على حد سواء .

تقع أكاديمية دياڤيرم المعتمدة من الهيئة السعودية للتخصصات الصحية (SCFHS) في العاصمة الرياض، وتفتح الأكاديمية أبوابها لموظفي ديافرم لتطوير مهارتهم من خلال برامج التعليم المستمر من خلال دورات حضورياً وعن بعد. تقدم الأكاديمية التدريب بشقيه التأهيلي للمتدربين الجدد، والتطويري لمن هم على رأس العمل ويطمحون إلى تحسين مستوياتهم الوظيفية، هذا وقد أخذنا على عاتقنا في الأكاديمية نقل الخبرات إلى الآخرين مستعينين بذوي الخبرة من الحاصلين على الشهادات العليا والخبرة العملية في مجال العمل.

وبصفتنا شركة تركز حقاً على الأشخاص؛ فإننا نسعى دوماً إلى إحداث فرق في حياة المرضى في جميع المجالات الصحية والنفسية والاجتماعية والمعرفية والسلوكية. إذا كنت تريد أن تكون جزءًا من هذه المهمة والهدف النبيل، فتعرّف على الوظائف الشاغرة لدينا التي تناسب مؤهلاتك:

الوظائف المتوفرة

Clinical Dietitian Temporary (الدمام- Dammam)


دوام كامل

Join us and become part of Diaverum Saudi Arabia’s Nutrition Care team; more than 50 Clinical Dietitians in 40 clinics across the Kingdom providing medical nutrition therapy and empowering patients with lifestyle management and individualized care plans alongside a multidisciplinary team to provide  Life Enhancing Renal Care. We are looking for a Clinical Dietitian with clinical knowledge and passion to support patients to manage different chronic diseases including renal failure, diabetes and hypertension among others. Our preferred candidate works in collaboration with patients to navigate their disease, disease complications, dialysis treatment and required lifestyle changes. As part of the clinic team, the preferred candidate will not only use their clinical knowledge but also their compassion and counselling skills to make a positive difference in patients’ quality of life. About this opportunity  You will be part of a multidisciplinary team (MDT) supporting hemodialysis patients with different demographic background (gender, age, educational level), medical history and psychosocial status.  As part of this opportunity, you will be offered clinical, behavioral skills, and operational efficiency training to support your professional development and work with patients. You will also be presented with multiple opportunities to contribute to the development of the Nutrition Care department in different projects including research related opportunities in both local and global projects. Your key roles and responsibilities - Work within a MDT to ensure effective medical nutrition therapy, health promotion, and lifestyle management - Ensure implementation of a continuous, accurate and effective Nutrition Care Process (NCP) for all patients - Manage set clinical parameters to accurately measure, monitor and evaluate all aspects of nutritional care in accordance to national and international standards and guidelines in renal care and chronic disease management - Manage foodservice in your clinic to ensure food safety and quality as part of continuously monitoring and enhancing patient meal experience - Adhere to Diaverum country and global policies and procedures including quality measures including medical KPIs, Joint Commission International (JCI) as well as all local regulatory requirements governing nutrition care You will be reporting to The Clinic Medical Director and the Head of Nutrition Care.

Social Worker - خدمة اجتماعية (Buljurashi- بلجرشي)


دوام كامل

Join us and become part of Diaverum Saudi Arabia’s social care team; more than 50 Social Workers in 40 clinics across the Kingdom providing social care services and individualized care plans alongside a multidisciplinary team to provide Life Enhancing Renal Care. We are looking for a Social Worker with knowledge and passion to provide social care including medical social work – patient and family education and counselling, patient quality of life, patient experience, access to social care services, and scientific research to provide life enhancing renal care. The social care also includes providing psychosocial support as you care for a population with different chronic diseases including renal failure, diabetes and hypertension among others. Our preferred candidate works in collaboration with the multidisciplinary team (MDT) and support patients to navigate their disease, disease complications, dialysis treatment and adherence to medical prescriptions (e.g. compliance to attendance, duration and medication) as well as required lifestyle changes. It is also expected to take an active role in following up and implement initiatives to improve patient experience including services provided to ensure access to care and services provided by government institutions. As part of the clinic team, the preferred candidate will not only use their knowledge as Social Worker but also their compassion and counselling skills to make a positive impact in the perception care provided, the patient experience and patients’ quality of life. About this opportunity  You will be part of a MDT supporting hemodialysis patients with different demographic background –gender, age, educational level, medical history and psychosocial status.  As part of this opportunity, you will be offered both training to support your professional development, clinical and behavioral skills, and work with patients to provide quality care and an enhanced patients experience. You will also be presented with multiple opportunities to contribute to the development of the Social Care function in different projects including research. Your key roles and responsibilities - Work within a MDT to ensure effective psychosocial support, health promotion, and lifestyle management - Ensure implementation of a continuous, accurate and effective social care for all patients including screening, assessment, diagnosis, intervention/counselling, documentation, monitoring and evaluation - Adopt international standards in patient satisfaction and quality of life practices to ensure enhanced patients’ lived experiences - Adhere to Diaverum country and global policies and procedures and quality measures including medical KPIs, Joint Commission International (JCI) as well as all local regulatory requirements governing social care You will be reporting to The Clinic Medical Director and the Head of Social Care.

Social Worker - خدمة اجتماعية (Dawadmi - دوادمي )


دوام كامل

Join us and become part of Diaverum Saudi Arabia’s social care team; more than 50 Social Workers in 40 clinics across the Kingdom providing social care services and individualized care plans alongside a multidisciplinary team to provide Life Enhancing Renal Care. We are looking for a Social Worker with knowledge and passion to provide social care including medical social work – patient and family education and counselling, patient quality of life, patient experience, access to social care services, and scientific research to provide life enhancing renal care. The social care also includes providing psychosocial support as you care for a population with different chronic diseases including renal failure, diabetes and hypertension among others. Our preferred candidate works in collaboration with the multidisciplinary team (MDT) and support patients to navigate their disease, disease complications, dialysis treatment and adherence to medical prescriptions (e.g. compliance to attendance, duration and medication) as well as required lifestyle changes. It is also expected to take an active role in following up and implement initiatives to improve patient experience including services provided to ensure access to care and services provided by government institutions. As part of the clinic team, the preferred candidate will not only use their knowledge as Social Worker but also their compassion and counselling skills to make a positive impact in the perception care provided, the patient experience and patients’ quality of life. About this opportunity  You will be part of a MDT supporting hemodialysis patients with different demographic background –gender, age, educational level, medical history and psychosocial status.  As part of this opportunity, you will be offered both training to support your professional development, clinical and behavioral skills, and work with patients to provide quality care and an enhanced patients experience. You will also be presented with multiple opportunities to contribute to the development of the Social Care function in different projects including research. Your key roles and responsibilities - Work within a MDT to ensure effective psychosocial support, health promotion, and lifestyle management - Ensure implementation of a continuous, accurate and effective social care for all patients including screening, assessment, diagnosis, intervention/counselling, documentation, monitoring and evaluation - Adopt international standards in patient satisfaction and quality of life practices to ensure enhanced patients’ lived experiences - Adhere to Diaverum country and global policies and procedures and quality measures including medical KPIs, Joint Commission International (JCI) as well as all local regulatory requirements governing social care You will be reporting to The Clinic Medical Director and the Head of Social Care.

Clinical Admin (Taif - الطائف)


دوام كامل

 Implementation of and compliance with all Diaverum policies & procedures Ensure a safe and sanitary physical environment Participate in all clinic audits and implement approved action plans Ensure clinic compliance with required Diaverum reports, and any country specific regulatory reportsClinic Operations Clinic activities related to labor management: cleaners, security, and maintenance Ensures availability of necessary clinic supplies in coordination with the HN Management of product consumption Inventory management of supplies and medications Maintenance of equipment and utilities including housekeeping Ensure accuracy of billing reports (Billing); finalize all billing requirement by 3rd working day. Responsible for petty cash usage in the clinic Ensure accurate inventory records Respect all accounting deadlines that relates to physical inventory count both month end and year end, delivery note/MRN on time submission, and claim processing. The clinic Admin will be the internal control ambassador in the clinic Submit reports according to company policies and country requirements Ensure that accurate and complete records are maintained in accordance with Diaverum policy Support in the onboarding of new clinic staff Ensure completion of New Employee details in coordinates with Employee Services team Ensure compliance with Diaverum crisis communication policy and local communication procedures Ensure compliance of “Diaverum” brand identity at the clinic level Provide support for minor IT incidents if applicable.

Clinical Dietitian (Qurayat- قريات )


دوام كامل

Join us and become part of Diaverum Saudi Arabia’s Nutrition Care team; more than 50 Clinical Dietitians in 40 clinics across the Kingdom providing medical nutrition therapy and empowering patients with lifestyle management and individualized care plans alongside a multidisciplinary team to provide  Life Enhancing Renal Care. We are looking for a Clinical Dietitian with clinical knowledge and passion to support patients to manage different chronic diseases including renal failure, diabetes and hypertension among others. Our preferred candidate works in collaboration with patients to navigate their disease, disease complications, dialysis treatment and required lifestyle changes. As part of the clinic team, the preferred candidate will not only use their clinical knowledge but also their compassion and counselling skills to make a positive difference in patients’ quality of life. About this opportunity  You will be part of a multidisciplinary team (MDT) supporting hemodialysis patients with different demographic background (gender, age, educational level), medical history and psychosocial status.  As part of this opportunity, you will be offered clinical, behavioral skills, and operational efficiency training to support your professional development and work with patients. You will also be presented with multiple opportunities to contribute to the development of the Nutrition Care department in different projects including research related opportunities in both local and global projects. Your key roles and responsibilities - Work within a MDT to ensure effective medical nutrition therapy, health promotion, and lifestyle management - Ensure implementation of a continuous, accurate and effective Nutrition Care Process (NCP) for all patients - Manage set clinical parameters to accurately measure, monitor and evaluate all aspects of nutritional care in accordance to national and international standards and guidelines in renal care and chronic disease management - Manage foodservice in your clinic to ensure food safety and quality as part of continuously monitoring and enhancing patient meal experience - Adhere to Diaverum country and global policies and procedures including quality measures including medical KPIs, Joint Commission International (JCI) as well as all local regulatory requirements governing nutrition care You will be reporting to The Clinic Medical Director and the Head of Nutrition Care.

Infection Control Practitioner (Hafer Albaten - حفر الباطن)

حفر الباطن

دوام كامل

- Assume responsibility for the coordination of activities related to Infection Control as directed by Infection Control Specialist - Assume responsibility in conjunction with Infection Control Specialist, for the planning and implementation of Infection Control programs for the clinics in keeping with established standards of the clinics and Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare organizations. -Participate in the planning, development and implementation of in-service education programs directly related to Infection Control for current Center staff and activities related to the new employee orientation program. - Ensure the establishment and maintenance of standards for Infection Control on a clinics -wide basis that ensures compliance with JCI, OSHA, CDC and local MOH regulation. -Review and evaluate all procedures and policies related to Infection Control and provides interpretation for Head Nurses, other Departmental Managers and Professional Staff in conjunction with Infection Control Specialist. -Establish, maintain and evaluate a comprehensive record system for all isolated patients and determines the prevalence of nosocomial infection on a monthly basis -Collaborate with the Infection Control specialist and assists in the development and revision of the Infection Control Policies and Procedures -Collaborate with appropriate Administrative and Medical Staff in maintenance of patient care standards that relate to Infection Control. -Initiate and participate in programs and projects which enhance the mission of Infection Control within the Diaverum Clinics -Plan and prepare infection control reports on a monthly, half annual and annual basis which are submitted to the Medical Director, Infection Control Specialist and the Infection Control Committee, administration and all required departments of Diaverum -Review the Quality of environmental cleanliness on a regular basis and reports concerns to the Infection Control Coordinator and appropriate Department Head for resolution - Investigate significant outbreaks of infection to identify the source of the problem and the resolution in consultation with the Infection Control Specialist and the Medical Director -Ensure that the staff Comply with the standards laid down by the Approved International Accreditation Standards. -Identifies any occurrence not consistent with the operation of the clinic or standard of service for patients, employees or visitors and situations that put patients, staff or visitors at risk for injury or other harm through the chain of command -Communicate and fill up any format related to infection control requested by MOH -Interacts with physicians, nurses, department managers and occupational health and other professional/non-professional staff members to provide resource information, resolve infection control problems, and identify new opportunities to improve service and reduce costs. -Regular meeting with all clinic HN and MD to evaluate, improve and solve infection issues and reported to Infection Control Specialist. -Follow up pre-employment health screening of the staff in the clinic. -Following up staff and patients serology and vaccination. -Prepare comprehensive quarterly report of infections in the clinic and highlights incidence and prevalence of infections and benchmark between clinics. -Perform other applicable tasks and duties assigned within the realm of his/her knowledge, skills and abilities.

Clinical Pharmacist (Dammam - الدمام)


دوام كامل

Purpose of Position Provides day-to-day support at the clinic to patients, doctors, nurses as well as administrative and supply reporting. Key Areas of Responsibilities - Ensure dispensing medications properly - Ensure all medication stocks are properly labeled inside the pharmacy specially checking on expiry dates and lot numbers of the medications that are supposed to be used first. - Performing and timely reporting monthly consumables stock count - Receiving all consumables to clinic warehouse, timely (within 24 hours) reporting to HQ MRNs and MTNs - Monitoring daily stock expenditure to treatment areas and assuring conformity of given quantities with BoMs and performed treatments - Ensuring reporting to SC damaged, expired products and deliver consumption forecast on time - Daily checking of storage(s) temperature and humidity in accordance to company procedure and protocol - Participating in preparation of consumption forecast of medicines and consumables (with MD and HN). - Checking crash card medications on a weekly basis (and when needed) inside the treatment area in collaboration with the nursing staff - Timely ordering replenishment request to ensure continues availability of stocks - Review the requested amount of medications with MD and HN – MAKE SURE ALL NUMBERS ARE CORRECT. - Provides pharmaceutical care by collaborating with physicians, nurses and other members of the healthcare team in: - Reviewing patient medication history - Reviewing patient medication profiles - Monitoring potential adverse drug-drug and drug-food interactions - Educating patients on drug usage as need - Detect, monitors, document and report medication errors. - When needed, reviews physician orders for possible therapeutic problems, contraindications, interactions, allergies, and formulary status of the drug - Discusses medication order clarifications with the prescriber, document any interventions in pharmacy records, and inform others of medication order changes

Clinical Admin (Makkah - مكة)

مكة المكرمة

دوام كامل

 Implementation of and compliance with all Diaverum policies & procedures Ensure a safe and sanitary physical environment Participate in all clinic audits and implement approved action plans Ensure clinic compliance with required Diaverum reports, and any country specific regulatory reportsClinic Operations Clinic activities related to labor management: cleaners, security, and maintenance Ensures availability of necessary clinic supplies in coordination with the HN Management of product consumption Inventory management of supplies and medications Maintenance of equipment and utilities including housekeeping Ensure accuracy of billing reports (Billing); finalize all billing requirement by 3rd working day. Responsible for petty cash usage in the clinic Ensure accurate inventory records Respect all accounting deadlines that relates to physical inventory count both month end and year end, delivery note/MRN on time submission, and claim processing. The clinic Admin will be the internal control ambassador in the clinic Submit reports according to company policies and country requirements Ensure that accurate and complete records are maintained in accordance with Diaverum policy Support in the onboarding of new clinic staff Ensure completion of New Employee details in coordinates with Employee Services team Ensure compliance with Diaverum crisis communication policy and local communication procedures Ensure compliance of “Diaverum” brand identity at the clinic level Provide support for minor IT incidents if applicable.

Clinical Dietitian Temporary (Khulais- خليص)

المملكة العربية السعودية

دوام كامل

Join us and become part of Diaverum Saudi Arabia’s Nutrition Care team; more than 50 Clinical Dietitians in 40 clinics across the Kingdom providing medical nutrition therapy and empowering patients with lifestyle management and individualized care plans alongside a multidisciplinary team to provide  Life Enhancing Renal Care. We are looking for a Clinical Dietitian with clinical knowledge and passion to support patients to manage different chronic diseases including renal failure, diabetes and hypertension among others. Our preferred candidate works in collaboration with patients to navigate their disease, disease complications, dialysis treatment and required lifestyle changes. As part of the clinic team, the preferred candidate will not only use their clinical knowledge but also their compassion and counselling skills to make a positive difference in patients’ quality of life. About this opportunity  You will be part of a multidisciplinary team (MDT) supporting hemodialysis patients with different demographic background (gender, age, educational level), medical history and psychosocial status.  As part of this opportunity, you will be offered clinical, behavioral skills, and operational efficiency training to support your professional development and work with patients. You will also be presented with multiple opportunities to contribute to the development of the Nutrition Care department in different projects including research related opportunities in both local and global projects. Your key roles and responsibilities - Work within a MDT to ensure effective medical nutrition therapy, health promotion, and lifestyle management - Ensure implementation of a continuous, accurate and effective Nutrition Care Process (NCP) for all patients - Manage set clinical parameters to accurately measure, monitor and evaluate all aspects of nutritional care in accordance to national and international standards and guidelines in renal care and chronic disease management - Manage foodservice in your clinic to ensure food safety and quality as part of continuously monitoring and enhancing patient meal experience - Adhere to Diaverum country and global policies and procedures including quality measures including medical KPIs, Joint Commission International (JCI) as well as all local regulatory requirements governing nutrition care You will be reporting to The Clinic Medical Director and the Head of Nutrition Care.

Clinical Dietitian Temporary (Makkah - مكه)

المملكة العربية السعودية

دوام كامل

Join us and become part of Diaverum Saudi Arabia’s Nutrition Care team; more than 50 Clinical Dietitians in 40 clinics across the Kingdom providing medical nutrition therapy and empowering patients with lifestyle management and individualized care plans alongside a multidisciplinary team to provide  Life Enhancing Renal Care. We are looking for a Clinical Dietitian with clinical knowledge and passion to support patients to manage different chronic diseases including renal failure, diabetes and hypertension among others. Our preferred candidate works in collaboration with patients to navigate their disease, disease complications, dialysis treatment and required lifestyle changes. As part of the clinic team, the preferred candidate will not only use their clinical knowledge but also their compassion and counselling skills to make a positive difference in patients’ quality of life. About this opportunity  You will be part of a multidisciplinary team (MDT) supporting hemodialysis patients with different demographic background (gender, age, educational level), medical history and psychosocial status.  As part of this opportunity, you will be offered clinical, behavioral skills, and operational efficiency training to support your professional development and work with patients. You will also be presented with multiple opportunities to contribute to the development of the Nutrition Care department in different projects including research related opportunities in both local and global projects. Your key roles and responsibilities - Work within a MDT to ensure effective medical nutrition therapy, health promotion, and lifestyle management - Ensure implementation of a continuous, accurate and effective Nutrition Care Process (NCP) for all patients - Manage set clinical parameters to accurately measure, monitor and evaluate all aspects of nutritional care in accordance to national and international standards and guidelines in renal care and chronic disease management - Manage foodservice in your clinic to ensure food safety and quality as part of continuously monitoring and enhancing patient meal experience - Adhere to Diaverum country and global policies and procedures including quality measures including medical KPIs, Joint Commission International (JCI) as well as all local regulatory requirements governing nutrition care You will be reporting to The Clinic Medical Director and the Head of Nutrition Care.

يستخدم هذا الموقع ملفات تعريف الارتباط (كوكيز) لضمان تزويدك بأفضل تجربة أثناء تصفحه. قراءة المزيد